Overcoming Self-Improvement Challenges: Strategies for Personal Growth

Self-improvement may be an ongoing goal for many. Some want to learn new skills and find ways to increase their knowledge base. Others may want to become better people – more self-aware, or maybe make healthier choices – but are prone to certain challenges. If you can learn to recognise the obstacles to self-improvement and understand how to overcome them, you will more likely achieve the improvement.

For our purpose here, this can be any kind of self-improvement challenges you are facing, and there can be multiple internal and/or external factors that can contribute to them. Some are:

Setting unrealistic goals: Many of us have been part of the current self-improvement trend and had all these high hopes of what we want to achieve (specific), how we want to achieve it (measurable), and accordingly, we set high expectations on ourselves. However, these expectations at times may not be realistic (ambitious), and/or the goals may not be relevant and timely. Therefore, by setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), they can be much more realistic goals that we can achieve.

Procrastination: At some point or another, we have all procrastinated. Is this something you are finding it difficult to overcome on your self-improvement path? Maybe breaking down your activities into smaller achievable steps could help, as could setting up a routine – say have a schedule for this week, or this month – one that you could be consistent with.

Lack of motivation: can be an issue, sometimes we do have ‘not so good’ days. Some days you just can’t seem to find any motivation to do anything. By reminding yourself why you are doing this, and what is the benefit, could bring you back to the motivation mood, along with the fantastic support of good people around you, the type of people whom you can also count on to encourage you.

Self-doubt and fear of failure: can de-settle many in their self-improvement journey. This self-doubt and fear of failure could erode any progress, and subsequently any potential to make that next step forward. By being confident – we can talk positive to ourselves, and remember that failure is part of learning, and learnings are important, and one has to be able to get back up from failing in order to learn from them.

Time management: so, trying to juggle between the different parts of your life – it’s a full-time job with other full-time jobs – adding on family and kids life, it can be overwhelming. By setting up a bit of structure in your life – in so far what you would want to focus on, and making sure you also allocate your time to it, could help with juggling through your activities, without neglecting any other part of your life.

Consistency: it’s honestly not easy to be consistent all the time. You start out strong at the beginning, but the consistency can be really rough to maintain. If you piece together your progress, and celebrate any small wins along the way, it could help with this. By having some sorts of ‘habits’ – you’ll find that repeating what you do more will make you more consistent.

Comparison: We can all be guilty of it these days – comparing ourselves to others. When you feel like you are missing out on what seems like the good life of others – you can feel like you are less competent. Remember – compare yourself to yourself, as you are embarking on a journey that is truly your own.

Bad network: good network to try capturing – the right books, online courses, a mentor or support group – online or offline – whatever works for you and helps make it exciting.

Community: again, support systems – online or offline – try relating to the right people and network. Having a support system or those around you walking with you, – even if you are both on the same self-betterment journey – motivates you.

Stress and maintaining your mental health: last but not least, can be this. Having high stress levels could wreck what progress you have made, as burnouts could set in. By practising some mindfulness techniques, like meditation and deep breathing, ensure taking good care of you – by getting enough restful sleep, a healthy diet, some form of physical activity, etc.

You must realise it’s a multifaceted solution including setting realistic goals, managing your time, and building a support-network. Addressing these obstacles is the first step towards the next level of yourself. The framework for self-improvement can help you realign your commitment to creating the life you desire. Realise it’s a journey and take comfort in celebrating each step you accomplish, not just the final destination. Be patient with yourself as long as you stay motivated because quitting is not an option if you are committed to fulfilling your goals.