Navigating Deal Breakers in a Relationship: A Comprehensive Guide

As we move through the life of an intimate relationship, mapping and learning each other’s edges and limits is one of the most essential ways to foster a life together that is meaningful and mutually beneficial. Then there are the relationship deal-breakers that challenge a loving bond in ways that make it impossible for most couples to find a bridge over. Spotting and navigating them well are critical to keeping the couple. It’s important to remember that every couple has very different deal breakers, depending on their unique preferences and values. However, some deal breakers are more universal, especially when…

From Nightmares to Sweet Dreams: A Child’s Journey Through Play Therapy

I am a psychotherapist specialising in child psychology, and I have spent two decades sitting quietly before children and families whose tales made my heart clench, or whose struggles felt so confounding I wondered if anyone could truly help them. But rarely had a child so warmed my own heart as Lily, and few cases proved so resilient, healing and ultimately, profoundly inspiring. Seven-year-old Lily was a lively child with a fire in her belly and a sparkle in her green eyes. She was prone to be tumbly in the summer, and used to lie on her back gazing up…

Bridging the Distance: A Psychotherapist’s Journey with Elena and Sarah’s Long-Distance Love

I am a psychotherapist who has spent many years working with couples struggling to communicate. But few have been more memorable and eye-opening than the long-distance relationship of Elena and Sarah, a lesbian couple who – years after meeting – were each finding it far too difficult to make their relationship work in two different countries. Their story is just as much about their love for one another as it is about the transformative power of communication and trust-building. In this article, I will walk you through Elena and Sarah’s journey, from the tipping point of divorce to a tighter…

Healing Family Wounds: A Therapist’s Journey with Laura and Emily

Having worked as a psychotherapist for more than 20 years, I have heard a lot of family business in the consulting room. Even so, few family dramas have stayed with me as powerfully as this one. So today, having cut and spliced their story together, I’m telling it to you, in the hope that. If it rings true of parent-daughter relationships you’ve known, maybe you’ll take heart that there’s hope in the studio, too. Laura had been seeing her therapist for some months a task that would deeply embarrass her. Her therapist wanted her to tell her daughter, Emily, that…

Growing Apart or Growing Together? Navigating Relationship Challenges After College

As a psychotherapist who has spent 20 years treating post-college relationships, I’ve seen the throes of romance, as well as the struggles that occur as couples fight for greater trust and closeness… or simply call it quits. Here, I want to share with you the story of a couple following the latter path: of two young lovers who threw caution to the wind in high school and are now trying to make sense of the seemingly irreconcilable tenets of their worldview, after they were shattered amid post-college opposition. Let me introduce Aiden and Zoe, boyfriend and girlfriend from high school…

Finding His Voice: A Journey Through Selective Mutism

Having practised as a psychotherapist for 25 years, I have had the privilege to hear many astonishing stories. Some have cast a dark shadow, while others have inspired me. Tim’s story was one that cast a gulf, then spanned it. Here was someone with an illness that was as invisible to the eye as a man caught in a storm at sea who cannot see the hurricane swirling around him. Tim was avoiding the truth. Tim's Battle with Selective Mutism When Tim first visited me for help in my office, there was a thick silence in the air. He was…

From Burnout to Balance: A Psychotherapist’s Journey Through Secondary Trauma

As a psychotherapist, I have always held myself to a high standard. I pride myself on being a bastion of strength, which in my mind and the minds of most of my clients, meant that I always kept my distance, stoically reflecting people’s minds and emotions as they grappled with their times of despair, terror, regret, trauma and pain. For decades, I sat opposite countless people, offering an ear, a shoulder, a sounding board. Through years of listening and helping people heal the scars of their childhoods, truly, I could not have been happier with my calling. But what happens…

Behind the Smile: A Psychotherapist’s Journey with Kevin’s Bipolar Disorder

I’ve been a psychotherapist for 20 years, during which time I have had the good fortune to work with many people to support their recovery from a broad range of mental distress. Here I’d like to share with you the story of Kevin; one of the people who taught me a lot about resilience and the complexities of bipolar, mental health in general and, ultimately, the capacity of therapy. Kevin was in his mid-30s when he first came to see me for help with what he described as ‘emotion dysregulation’. Unlike the overwhelming distress experienced by many people who seek…

Navigating Parenthood Together: A Therapist’s Journey with Carlos and Nina

I am a psychotherapist with 30 years of experience and over those years, I have had the honour to be invited into the hardest and most rewarding work of couples’ lives, helping them work through the transition to parenthood, of which there are many. But possibly the most difficult couple for whom I have worked are Carlos and Nina, whom I invite you to meet. Nina and Carlos came to me seeking couple’s counselling after two and a half years of trying to conceive their second baby with no success. The Expectant Couple When Carlos and Nina entered my office…

From Introvert to Leader: A Psychotherapist’s Journey with Megan

I am a psychotherapist with more than two decades of experience. The privilege of being a therapist has afforded me the opportunity to help hundreds of people’s inner and outer lights shine more brightly, and to hone the skills required for alchemical transformation. In the story that I share below, I will present a common struggle of an introverts’ work lives, and then describe how the sum of the alchemy fits together. How therapy helped one client to take her life, and her career, back in hand. An introverted engineer, Megan, was on the verge of being promoted to director…

Breaking Free: A Journey from People-Pleasing to Self-Discovery

I have been a psychotherapist for 25 years, witnessing the transformative work with individuals through the years. There are particular cases that stand out, that have such an impact on the client and on the therapist. I want to share with you the story of Sam, a person who entered my office as a true people-pleaser and left as a person who could live the life he had a right to. Sam suffered from depression and panic attacks, fearing the unknown and everything that life presented. The Beginning: Meeting Sam When Sam first sat down in my office, his body…

Rekindling Passion: A Therapist’s Journey with Laura’s Writing Renaissance

I have had the privilege as a psychotherapist to follow the road of many of my patients to their former splendour – if not always to some kind of Nirvana. But some of these cases etch themselves unforgettably in the memory of the patient and the therapist, and I want to share with you today a particularly happy one. Laura was a retired school teacher, a lover of nature, who came one day to see me in despair. She felt herself disorganised and demoralised. She had a sense of having lost her personal compass after gruelling struggles first with her…

Breaking Free: How Setting Healthy Boundaries Can Transform Your Life

As a psychotherapist with over two decades of experience, I've had the privilege of guiding countless individuals on their journey to self-discovery and emotional well-being. Today, I want to share a story that resonates deeply with many of my clients - the story of Mike, a young man who learned to break free from the shackles of a controlling family and embrace a life of independence and fulfillment. The Roots of Control Mike first walked into my office on a crisp autumn morning, his shoulders hunched and his eyes downcast. At 28, he was successful in his career but felt…

Embracing Life Beyond the Comfort Zone: A Therapist’s Perspective on Personal Growth

For many years as a psychotherapist, I’ve been privileged to accompany clients on their journey towards self-exploration. Some cases leave a bigger impression than others, both on the client and on the clinician. Today, I want to share something that happened when my client Rachel began to see me. Rachel was a born-again Christian survivor of verbal and physical abuse who was filled with fear and rage towards her father and the whole world in general. Rachel’s is not an unusual story. Most of us cling to the safety of status quo, unwilling to venture out of our comfort zone.…

From Guilt to Growth: A Psychotherapist’s Journey with a Nurse’s Medical Error

In my more than 20 years as a therapist, I have encountered many clients deeply struggling with their past actions; very few of their stories, however, touched me as deeply as Sophie’s, that of a resilient and hardworking nurse whose life came to a halt over one single mistake. As we met regularly, I witnessed Sophie transform from the person riddled with guilt to someone who embraced his fallibility and forgiving himself. This article will recount Sophie’s story, describe the therapeutic process we followed, and underscore the central messages that emerged from our work together. The Accident It was a…